Domeniu dăruit de pațani.
August 24th, 2010

Sex suveran și independent.

Stați și grăiți din televizor despre independență, 19 ani, revoluții. Suveranitate, unire, integrare și năzuința dintotdeauna a moldoveanului spre libertate (LOL).

„Revoluția din ’89”, „Revoluția din 7 aprilie”. Și asta în timp ce revoluția sexuală ne-a ocolit mișelește și nu a vrut să aibă loc la noi.

Dacă tot se întreba nuștiucare „care-i imaginea noastră peste hotare?” — iată ce scrie un american în Internetul vostru despre moldovence (ați vrut limbă, ați vrut alfabet? — citiți pe englezește):

1. You must call the girl 100 times before she accepts to meet you, because she has many other guys also waiting to meet with her!

2. You must go pick her up in a nice car (Mercedes or BMW preferably) because now, almost any moldovan guy owns one and she has become used to it!

3. You must take her to a very nice, expensive restaurant or club (the girls are have become very choosy and refuse to go to regular bistros or cafe-bars)

4. You must NOT dare to ask her to come to your flat the first 3 dates or she will think that you want her only for sex and she will not answer your calls anymore!

5. You must NOT wear conservative clothes or she will think that you dress like her dad, therefore you must be old! And to be seen with an older man is very BAD. Her girlfriends who see her in the street with you will criticize her!

6. You must NOT have a roommate or she will think that you are poor because you can’t afford to live by yourself in your appartment!

7. Since you are a foreigner, your appartment HAS to be located in the center of the city! Any foreigner who doesnt live in the center must not be rich, therefore NOT WORTH dating!

8. When you take her to a club, she will drop you like a pancake if you dare take her to the bar for drinks! You MUST buy a table (500 lei minimum) so the princess can sit her ass in confort!

9. If you want her to communicate with you, you MUST buy her a mobile phone card (400 lei minimum) because she gets tired of beeping you first and waiting for you to call her back!

10. You MUST accept to wait a long period of time before getting laid (minimum 7 dates) bacause all her previous moldovan boyfriends waited even longer than that. And it would prove that you really care about her and don’t want her as a SEX object. And that You will eventually SPONSOR her and maybe marry her (so she can spend all day doing nothing but spend your money shopping and manicuring). Get ready for HUGE dissappointment if you come to Moldova for easy-to-get sex from regular women!

Drept o zis americanul.
Copulați-vă, moldoveni!


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